Sustanon 450



Sustanon’s popularity among athletes and bodybuilders is not what it once was, but this product still experiences extensive use, especially among first time users and beginners. The reason for its initial rise in popularity was due to the perception that with Sustanon, one was obtaining more steroid for the money spent in comparison to other products. However, in the long term this perception proved to be false, as Sustanon was intentionally developed for medical and clinical applications, not athletics. It is optimal for those experiencing medical conditions that necessitate the use of Testosterone, and to provide a much more convenient and comfortable administration. Those prescribed Sustanon need only concern themselves with administration perhaps once every 3 to 4 weeks. Athletes and bodybuilders require quite different administration routines, and therefore in the grand scheme of things, the blood plasma levels of Testosterone would peak at around the same levels in the same period of time that any other simple Testosterone product would. For the purpose of performance and physique enhancement, Sustanon tends to only barely meet minimum requirements and expectations at a somewhat higher price and more convoluted and complex dosing and planning scheme due to the complicated nature of the combined Testosterone esters contained in the product.

At its core, Sustanon is a basic Testosterone product, no different at all from Testosterone itself. Testosterone is considered the father of all anabolic steroids, with basic essential muscle-building capabilities such as affinity for the androgen receptor in order to promote receptor-dependent pathways involved in fat loss and muscle growth[3]. Testosterone also affects muscle growth outside of areas that are typically muscle-growth specific, such as the promotion of glycogen synthesis[4]

Sustanon Side Effects

Potential Sustanon side effects include all of those that are typical of Testosterone itself, as after all Sustanon is a direct Testosterone product.

The first area of concern are Estrogenic side effects due to the nature of Testosterone being an aromatizable anabolic steroid. It expresses affinity for the aromatase enzyme, which is responsible for aromatization (or conversion) of Testosterone into Estrogen. Estrogenic side effects include water retention and bloating, blood pressure elevations (as a result of the water retention), increased possible fat retention/gain, and gynecomastia. These are all dose and sensitivity dependent, of course, and higher dosages of Sustanon will increase the frequency and severity of these Sustanon side effects. In order to mitigate these Sustanon side effects, the use of an aromatase inhibitor and/or an Estrogen blocker, such as SERM like Nolvadex Citrate), will be necessary. Further research into the differences between aromatase inhibitors (AIs) and SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators) should be researched by the user in order to fully understand the differences.

Androgenic side effects are also a concern, as Testosterone will readily reduce into Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in various tissues throughout the body. This creates an overall increase in androgenic side effects, as DHT is a much stronger androgen than Testosterone itself is. Although Testosterone itself possesses moderate androgenic strength, the problem lies in DHT, which is a much more powerful androgen. Androgenic side effects include: increased sebum secretion (oily skin), increased bouts of acne (linked to increased sebum secretion), bodily and facial hair growth, and the increased risk of triggering Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) in individuals that possess the genetic trait required for the condition to manifest itself. These Sustanon side effects can be mitigated through the use of 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, and topical DHT antagonists, such as Nizoral.

Virilization (masculinizing) side effects is a big issue with strong androgens such as Testosterone[5], and this is why it is not recommended for use in casual female users. Virilization includes side effects such as bodily and facial hair growth, deepening of the voice, clitoral enlanrgement, and menstrual irregularities.

Hepatotoxicity and liver issues are not a concern with the use of Sustanon  or any injectable Testosterone product[6].

Testosterone has demonstrable negative effects on the cardiovascular system, most notably on the negative alteration of cholesterol profiles. Testosterone use alone promotes a low to moderate reduction of HDL (‘good’ cholesterol)[7], but studies have demonstrated even worse alterations when it is combined with the use of aromatase inhibitors, causing an additional increase in LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol) and even larger decreases in HDL[8].

Being an anabolic steroid, Testosterone will initiate disruption, suppression and shutdown of endogenous Testosterone production, especially at bodybuilding dosages.


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