DIANABOL Methandienone 10mg



Strength: 10mg/tabs

Size: 100 tabs

Millions of steroid users around the world include Dbol in their cycles because it’s one of the most widely recognized bulking aids on the market. Dbol is one of the best inclusions to any cycle simply because of its fast and it’s highly effective results.


Dbol can carry a number of different properties but ultimately it’s known as a highly effective strength enhancer. Using Dbol athletes and bodybuilders can gain as much as 20 pounds to 30 pounds in just a few weeks. Most of these gains are seen in quality muscle tissues and overall strength and performance gains. The average bodybuilder who starts at 200 pounds at the beginning of the cycle could easily bench 25% or more weight by the end of just a few weeks using Dbol. These types of games simply can’t be seen without the medication.

When using Dbol with a specialty diet you can see quality muscle mass gains as well as big weight gains along with it.


In its tabbed format Dbol is extremely easy to maintain. You really just need to take one tab per day but it is important to recognize that Dbol is a highly aromatizing steroid. This means that you can see estrogen related side effects if you aren’t willing to take a aromatase inhibitor such as Arimidex throughout your cycle.


When starting Dbol it’s usually best to begin with a low dose and to make sure that you are using Arimidex alongside it. You can eventually up your dosage to see greater gains but usually athletes continue a moderate to low dosage over a few weeks in a cycle to see more controllable gains without empty or bloated muscle tissue. Proper PCT will need to be put in place as soon as you finish your cycle so that your body can continue producing natural testosterone once again. This steroid will suppress your natural testosterone production but with the proper PCT treatment plan in place you can recover and keep all of your results.


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