Parabolan (tren hex) 100mg/ml -10ml



Trenbolone Hex, popularly known as or Parabolan, is the common name for the steroid Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. This steroid is one of the Trenbolone steroid esters. It has been recognized to produce excellent bodybuilding results and is one of the top compounds for bodybuilders looking for a good cutting steroid.

Parabolan is popular among professional bodybuilders because it increases muscle growth and is well suited to the low estrogen levels that many of these athletes require. It also has  somewhat potent androgenic properties, making it ideal for building strength while also delivering lots of energy.

Despite the fact that this Trenbolone steroid has possible side effects, Tren Hex is one of the safest and most versatile steroids available. Most commonly an injectable solution, parabolan can also be administered via transdermal creams and gels. Bodybuilders considering steroid cycles with Parabolan should be aware that this steroid can irritate the skin’s lining and cause severe acne that can last for up to a week after the last application.


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